Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 6 - The Sunday split business and pleasure!

Well the majority of our team caught an early morning flight to East London while David, Rajib and I stayed behind in Joburg.  We will be spending Mon-Wed interviewing stakeholders from various organizations for our project before we head down to join our team and Hosts from the University of Fort Hare (UFH) on Thursday.

We spent the morning researching, brainstorming and prepping for those first interviews.  By lunch our brains were mush and it was time for a recharge.  What better way to do that then to head out on a tour to Lion Park!  Our driver took us through the park where we got some awesome photo's of Lions, Cheetah's, Spring Bok and wild dog!  Then we got to pet a giraffe and lion cubs!  How AWESOME is that!!!!

We then headed out to Crocodile park where we got to hold a baby Croc and two snakes.  Let's just say my mother was not impressed with the last two....  Then it was back to the hotel for dinner and an early night.  We head out to meet one of our stakeholders at 6:15am tomorrow!

Day 5 - IBM Office, Apartheid Museum and Rugby!

We got to meet our colleagues in IBM South Africa.  It was great to get their perspective on the culture, history and vision for not only IBM in South Africa but for the country itself.  I left that meeting with a whole new perspective.  Then we got to meet a group of grade 10 students that are participating an education program led by IBM volunteers teaching students Math, Science and IT.  It was amazing to met these bright students and hear about what they are aspiring to become. 

After that it was off to the Apartheid Museum and I have to say it was an emotional and sobering experience that changes you.  It makes you want to be a better person......

We then headed back to the hotel, changed and boarded the bus for the opening rugby match between the Lions and the Cheetahs!   The atmosphere was great and the passion for the game was electric!  Finding a place to park was it's own experience......Let's just say I will never complain about parking in Toronto again and I think I have learned the skills to successful negotiating.....Don't give up until you get your way.....

Day 4 - It's Friday already...  Rebecca, Natalia and I headed out to the Mall for breakfast and to pick up a few items.  We really wanted to take a tour of Soweto, unfortunately the tours that were available had left for the day.  So we headed out to Gold Reef City which was described as a Town built on gold mining and highlighted the history of those that worked the mines......What we found a little of that and a lot more of something else.....

Gold Reef City is a Gold wait an amusement wait a a museum...... let's just say a bit of all of those things.  Where else can you play the slots, ride a coaster, tour turn of the century homes and go 255 meters below ground to tour a retired gold mine????  Why Gold Reef City!

After our exciting adventure,  we headed back to the hotel to meet the rest of our colleagues for the first time face to face.  It was so great!  I can't wait to get to know everyone better!

 Can you spot Rebecca and Natalia on the boat above???

 255 meters below ground and yes we saw gold.....

 My retirement fund.....

This is good old fashion family fun so if you're packing heat, leave it at the door!

Day 3 - Bush walk, Blyde River Canyon and back to Joburg.   We headed out at 6am for our bush walk.  It was great.   We learned a lot about the plants, spiders, dung beetle and we actually came upon a giraffe!  After that we boarded the bus for Blyde River Canyon.  The view was spectacular and the crafts were really cool! I picked up a couple of items but had to keep the luggage situation in mind!

I met some really great people and had an experience of a lifetime making the 12 hour bus ride back to Joburg worth every minute!  Thank you Rebecca and Natalia for sharing this experience with me you really helped make it!

Day 2: Kruger National Park!  Well after our 5:30am Monkey wake-up call,  we headed to the base camp for breakfast and our safari began just as we walked out the door!  Really big spiders, some type of deer, monkeys.... it was awesome.   Kruger was beautiful.  Rolling hills, lush bush due to the vast amounts of rain they have had, and lot's of animals.  We managed to see all of the big 5 (some more close up than others) Highlight for me,  the natural beauty and capturing the elusive leopard on camera!  

Friday 24 February 2012

Marc's Tree House.... This deserves it's own section as it definitely made the experience.  Tree House #6 was right on the river and fortunately had an en-suite!  The windows were just wooden rails covered with a roll-up canvas, the walls were made from a bunch of bamboo sticks topped off with a thatched roof and our beds were covered with mosquito nets (although we never saw one).   It was AWESOME!!!   We had a few visitors (lizard, frog, various insect creatures) oh and the Monkey's jumping on the roof at 5:30am for our wake-up call!  Anyway here are some pics from Marc's.

So Day 1 - Trip to Kruger.  The drive was a long one from Joburg to Kruger.  The country side was beautiful.  At first it looked like Ontario and after the jet leg I thought I was dreaming.....  Rolling hills of farm land, cattle same type of trees..... then the land scape changed.  It became very mountainous and the trees and shrubs changed.  It was spectacular!

After 9 hours in the van we finally made it to the reserve where we took our evening Safari.  Where to start..... We had an open air truck with no seat belts or doors and the terrain was wild!  I had to hold on tight just to stay in,  not to mention dodging branches!  We saw Giraffe, Hipo, Impala, Jackal, Elephants and Wildebeest.  After we had dinner at the reserve and headed out to our home away from home at Marc's Tree House! I'll leave the details on that for day 2!!!

Sorry to have left you all hanging so long.  I made it!!!!!!   As promised here are some pictures from Washington DC.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Good news from DC.  I have a seat # for the flight to Joburg!  Thank you Mark H for telling me about this routing a few weeks back or I would still be in TO.  However another flight delay for 2 hours....  I'm starting to think it's me...  =o)

I used my 9 hour layover wisely.

2. Confirm there would be space for me on the SA flight.

3. Board the bus to downtown DC and tour the Mall.  Now I know what you are thinking.....but this is not a shopping center mall, but a gathering place for people to gather, surrounded by the main buildings here in DC.

4. Walk at least 5 miles around the Mall with carry-on luggage....I was feeling good last night that I had packed a few days not so much.....

5. Took lots of pictures..... including some great self portraits....

6. Grab a slice of Pizza at the First and ONLY restaurant I saw.....and head back to the Airport.  

All in all a good day, which if my flight actually leaves will become a GREAT day! 

I'll post some pictures when I can.  The wi-fi here is not co-operating.  Next post will hopefully be from South Africa! 

Saturday 18 February 2012

Well this has been an eventful evening.  It is now 2:30am on Feb.19th and I am still at the Toronto Airport.  Why you ask???  Well my flight was overbooked and I was put on standby......then they had mechanical issues and had to change aircraft....decreasing the number of seats on the plane by 20....and the rest is history!

Good news is I was able to get re-booked on a flight to Joburg that will still get me there on Monday.  Bad news is the routing is Toronto to Washington DC leaving 6:00am arriving 7:30am then Washington to Joburg leaving at 5:40pm.......  I think I'll have no problem sleeping like a baby on the Joburg leg of the flight.

Hopefully "TAKE 2" will be a cut and print!  Hopefully the next update will be from DC!  

Saturday 11 February 2012

Well this time next week I'll be at the Toronto International Airport waiting to board my flight to London.   I finally finished packing my bag and have given up trying to get under 50lbs..... 

Jason and I had a visit from my best friends and our little "niece" Brooke.  She is so cute!  I hope she doesn't grow up too much while I'm away. 

Left to Right:  Jason, Sonia, Troy and little Brooke!

This will officially be the longest time Jason and I have ever spent apart.  I told him not to have too much fun while I'm gone.  lol  We are trying to spend as much time as we can together and it'll be so nice to see him in London, England after my assignment!

I have a lot of research to do for my assignment and can't wait to meet the people I'll be working with.  This is definitely one of the most amazing opportunities anyone could have! 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

T-11 days and counting.  We received our assignments last week and I will be working with the University of Fort Hare along with two of my colleagues Jason from Australia, and Rajib from India.  We have lot's of materials to read through in preparation for meeting with our Client and are looking forward to helping them achieve their objectives.  

I've spent the last two weeks visiting with friends and family, optimizing my time with them as it'll be at least 6 weeks before I'll see many of them again.  The big dilemma now is packing.....  What to bring, what to leave out, can I really keep my luggage under 50lbs.....  =o)  

I am looking forward to meeting Natalia and Rebecca.  They are part of the larger group I'm travelling with and the three of us are heading out on a Safari to Kruger National Park.  This was something that had always been on the Top 10 Bucket List and I'm so happy to have these ladies to share this experience with!  After that it'll be down to business and off to East London!

Below is the tourism site for East London should you want to learn more about where we're heading!

East London, Eastern Cape SA