Saturday 18 February 2012

Well this has been an eventful evening.  It is now 2:30am on Feb.19th and I am still at the Toronto Airport.  Why you ask???  Well my flight was overbooked and I was put on standby......then they had mechanical issues and had to change aircraft....decreasing the number of seats on the plane by 20....and the rest is history!

Good news is I was able to get re-booked on a flight to Joburg that will still get me there on Monday.  Bad news is the routing is Toronto to Washington DC leaving 6:00am arriving 7:30am then Washington to Joburg leaving at 5:40pm.......  I think I'll have no problem sleeping like a baby on the Joburg leg of the flight.

Hopefully "TAKE 2" will be a cut and print!  Hopefully the next update will be from DC!  

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