Saturday 11 February 2012

Well this time next week I'll be at the Toronto International Airport waiting to board my flight to London.   I finally finished packing my bag and have given up trying to get under 50lbs..... 

Jason and I had a visit from my best friends and our little "niece" Brooke.  She is so cute!  I hope she doesn't grow up too much while I'm away. 

Left to Right:  Jason, Sonia, Troy and little Brooke!

This will officially be the longest time Jason and I have ever spent apart.  I told him not to have too much fun while I'm gone.  lol  We are trying to spend as much time as we can together and it'll be so nice to see him in London, England after my assignment!

I have a lot of research to do for my assignment and can't wait to meet the people I'll be working with.  This is definitely one of the most amazing opportunities anyone could have! 

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