Sunday 19 February 2012

Good news from DC.  I have a seat # for the flight to Joburg!  Thank you Mark H for telling me about this routing a few weeks back or I would still be in TO.  However another flight delay for 2 hours....  I'm starting to think it's me...  =o)

I used my 9 hour layover wisely.

2. Confirm there would be space for me on the SA flight.

3. Board the bus to downtown DC and tour the Mall.  Now I know what you are thinking.....but this is not a shopping center mall, but a gathering place for people to gather, surrounded by the main buildings here in DC.

4. Walk at least 5 miles around the Mall with carry-on luggage....I was feeling good last night that I had packed a few days not so much.....

5. Took lots of pictures..... including some great self portraits....

6. Grab a slice of Pizza at the First and ONLY restaurant I saw.....and head back to the Airport.  

All in all a good day, which if my flight actually leaves will become a GREAT day! 

I'll post some pictures when I can.  The wi-fi here is not co-operating.  Next post will hopefully be from South Africa! 

1 comment:

  1. SO glad you decided to blog your adventures!! Looking forward to pics!!
