Friday 16 March 2012

Day 24-25:  The unpredictability of a developing nation.

Well it's been an interesting couple of days for the University of Fort Hare.  Thursday the protests continued so we worked out of the B&B and traveled into town for a couple of interviews. 

On Friday we headed into the University and prepared for our 10am lecture for the IS students.  We had a couple of tense moments when a student approached us and stated we had 5 minutes to vacate the building.  Our host stepped in and took them down to security. 

From there we headed to the lecture room where a handful of students were waiting for the lecture.  We chatted with them as we waited for some additional students to arrive.  Unfortunately we never had the chance to start.  All lectures were to be canceled to avoid any further conflict.  We decided it would be best to again head back to the B&B for the afternoon, so here I am. 

The students were clearly disappointed and so were we.  It's a shame that an administrative issue has caused the cancellation of 3 guest lectures over the last 3 days.  Skills transfer opportunity lost......

We did have the opportunity on Thursday night to go "canoeing" in sea kayaks thanks to Roger (a professor at UFH) who took us out and let us use his equipment.  We had a great time, although it was a bit windy and it took a few tries to get my balance enough to stay in the boat..... 

The "Balance" trophy goes to Rajib who managed to not flip the "canoe"!

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