Monday 19 March 2012

Day 26-27:  "Everybody's working for ON the weekend???".........

Well it's getting down to the crunch for preparing our final deliverable and everyone was feeling it.  Saturday morning was overcast and rainy so it made for a good working conditions (didn't feel like you missed too much).  The sun finally peeked through late afternoon so we took the opportunity to head down to the Pancake House for lunch on the water.  We got to watch the dolphins which were really in close to the shore which was really cool.  David and I would have jumped in to swim with them had we had our swim trunks!

We got confirmation late Friday that David, Rajib and I would be heading back to Joburg early to complete some additional interviews.  So we reached out to Stephen and Duane who have been hosting us from UFH and decided to get together for dinner on Saturday.  It was great to connect with them and get to know them a bit more.  They have been fantastic hosts and we are grateful for everything they have done for us.  Hopefully our paths will cross again!

We headed out early Sunday for the airport and stopped along the way at UFH to take some final photo's.  The flight was smooth and the hotel in a great location (within walking distance to the IBM office).  I went to the craft market at the mall attached to the hotel and picked up some gifts for home.  Then it was room service and down to business.

It's been a great experience, but I am looking forward to getting our final presentation done and over with and reuniting with the rest of the team on Friday.

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