Sunday 11 March 2012

Days 14-18

The week went by so fast. We were able to meet with another 6 organizations to get their perspective regarding leadership development.  We are definitely starting to see some themes materializing and pulled together those observations for a mid-point review on Monday.

We sat down as a group early in the week to figure out weekend plans.  We ended up splitting into two groups one going East the other West.  Phil, Roberto, David and myself opted to go for a combo tour starting with Addo National park, Daneill's Cheeta Breeding Project on Saturday, then the town of Graaff-Reinet with CamdeBoo National Park and the Valley of Desolation.   The rest of the team went to the Bulungula Lodge where you are able to live in the village.  I can't wait to hear more about their adventures.

We also decided on team meal plans for the week.  We broke into small groups that would be responsible for dinner on a particular day.  So we had Italian on Tuesday and Chineese on Wednesday. The food was awesome and a lot cheaper than eating out.

More to come on the weekend combo tour in the next post. 

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