Thursday 1 March 2012

Days 7-9:  What a whirl wind!  David, Rajib and I have had a great few days in Joburg.  We've had the chance to meet with some really interesting people and organizations that are all working toward ways to address Leadership gaps in South Africa.  It was good to get their perspective and we're really starting to understand that our project is looking at an extremely complex challenge where there is no easy solution.  However these organizations are at the forefront of starting.

We also had the opportunity to meet some extremely bright students at the ALA (African Leadership Academy) who are budding entrepreneurs.  The Academy were our gracious hosts for 3 days and we got to participate in their Entrepreneurs Fest where students presented their ideas.  They were awesome!

We also had a chance to visit the city of Pretoria on Monday to meet with another organization but it also happens to be where our local host and expert Jurie lives.  He took us for a drive around town to see the city.  The architecture was beautiful and the view from on top of the hill was spectacular!

We met up of Sydeny on Wednesday evening to catch-up on our activities over the last few days and then it was off to bed to catch our early morning flight to East London.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm green with envy. Here am I, having the experience of my life in India, but at the same time wishing I was there! South Africa looks absolutely amazing. Check back after this weekend. We're going to a "hill station" up in the mountains and then visiting an elephant park so I can RIDE an elephant. Woohoo!!
