Tuesday 6 March 2012

Days 12 & 13 - What a lovely weekend!  It was sunny and warm on Saturday, but quite breezey so you never got too hot.  Eight of the guys headed out early for a surf lesson, and five of us headed out to downtown East London.   We saw the East London city hall, the docks and an old jail that has now been turned into flats (spooky!). 

We then headed to the beach for some sun, sand and relaxation.  It had a really nice boardwalk and the sand was soft and fine (except when it was blowing into your face).   The waves were quite large and we had lots of fun diving into them!

That evening we had a lovely group dinner on the balcony.  I did not realize we had so many great chef's on our team!  It was a great evening.

The next morning some of us headed out to the market on the waterfront.  We all got some cool local handmade crafts and then stopped at the aquarium to take some pictures.  After that it was off to plan the afternoon activities.   

Note to self.....do not wait until the last minute to make plans......   We tried a few different places but they were all booked.  =o(  We finally found a small reserve just outside of East London that offered Quad Biking (or 4 wheeling as we call it in Canada).  We had an awesome time on those, but it was too short for our liking.  I think there may be more in our future!  I also saw the largest grasshopper EVER!  So did the local cat......  Don't worry lunch got away! 

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